This plant is used in the chicken diet soup. Hmong spell it ntiv (thee) and NOT Joe Pye weed. From the plant family Asteraceae native from Asia, scientific name is eupatorium fortunei . It may be another variety of the eupatorium.

For the soup I picked a few leaves or three tops for the soup. Depending on how much soup I’m going to making and how big is your chicken. Plus, the rest of the other herbs you are using.
Some say it stops bleeding internally too and should never use as the postpartum chicken diet. However, I have been using it as the postpartum chicken diet.
Joy Pye Weed

Commonly known as Joe Pye Weed/pink frost (Eupatorium purpureum) Same family, different usage. It can be grown up to 4ft tall. Not to be consume. It may have its own beneficial properties, but I personally don’t know it. Good for kidney and gallbladder stone.
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