Hello and thank you for stopping by. Because this week is Thanksgiving week I thought I wouldn’t bother you with plant talk but why I’m thankful. And tell you a little story.
Thanksgiving is the time of the year that family far and near comes together to be thankful for what they have accomplished throughout the year. At Z best garden we don’t have a “normal” tradition. We have families and plus some.
You see I came from a family of seven; four daughters, and three brothers. Yes BIG! Single mother. My mom will always be my hero. We all now have our own little family except one. My middle brother whom is too PROUD to have a person telling him how to spend his money. Joking aside he hasn’t found the right woman, yet.
And on top of that we had spread our wings and flew away from the nest. I’m in Arizona, one of my sister’s in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Although with most of my siblings lives in California. They are a young family with small children.
The perks of being the eldest and having one child is – once she’s 18 she’s out wondering, exploring, and following her dream. That leaves us FREEDOM! Of course I miss her but she got to have her own life. She knows where the nest is.
My husband and I are the only two that can up and go to anywhere there’s a family gathering. My husband comes from a smaller family of three siblings. This year’s Thanksgiving is at my in-laws. My sister-in-law did all the cooking while I watch some Hallmark. Hey I’m on vacation. Plus she said she didn’t need any help. I knew it was a lie.
In the past couple of years I’ve host the Thanksgiving dinner at my place. We had a grand ol time and after that the Christmas Tree goes up. However, everyone is on a different path and schedule it’s hard to get everyone together.
Our Non-traditional Tradition
Even with our new year going on we also roast a turkey for dinner to be thankful also. Our non-traditional tradition is doing it after or before thanksgiving. That’s when everyone is available. Most of the time is on black Friday, or the weekend.
What Am I Thankful For
This is where I am most thankful for and the one that I will be thankful for a long long time after I’m 80. If I live to be 80.
My husband had a major heart attack (widow maker) at 40 years old, 3.5 years ago. And I am thankful that he as healthy as he can be with medications of course.
I am thankful for my husband’s and my health. I am thankful that my daughter is doing well going after her dream.
I am thankful that my extended families are doing well.
Last but not lease I’m am thankful that I found this great community at Wealthy Affiliate to tell my stories to.
What are you thankful for?