People often asked, “What is, wealthy affiliate about, and does it work?” It’s now the year 2020. I’ll be doing a Wealthy Affiliate evaluation. Wait, shouldn’t we be having flying cars by now? I guess we all like to be grounded. And a little off-topic. On, does it work? We’ll get to it in a bit. Let me tell you a little about Wealthy Affiliate.
Wealthy Affiliate is a platform that helps you, the newbies, and advanced with tools that help you run a successful online business. Not only do they have tools to help you along there are steps by step walkthrough videos to watch. So, it’s like having one of our co-founders holding your hands all the way through the process, from building your websites in, 30 seconds to helping you find affiliates to work with.
No, you didn’t misread that, literally 30 secs. Setting up all the legal jargon, like privacy policy, affiliate disclosure, and setting your website to be indexed in Google and the other major search engines. He is not a lawyer. It’s a guide to set it up on your website properly.
Jay’s weekly webinar is a must for everyone. It’s on every Friday at 5 PM PST, live with Jay and he mentors everyone. You have to see it to believe it.
If you are ever lost, confused, stuck, or have questions they have a 24/7 chat room, you can ask all the questions you like. Maybe even find a mentor in your niche.
For example, if you just want to blog about something you’re passionate about, they can help with that too. But if you want to set up an online store, we have experts that the field also.
Dropshipping, social media training, find affiliates of your niche, and YouTube, etc.
Does it work
To be honest, it works as much as the effort you put into it. Let me be clear. Having an online business, it’s the same as, having a tangible, something you can touch, a brick and mortar business or shop.
When you open a physical store, you advertise, you talk about it, tell your friends and your family. Then you promote your store by any means to get your store notice by the public.
You put ads in the newspapers, find air time on the radio, and make flyers to put it on vehicles, doors, or hand them out to strangers that look at you funny.
Today, as yesteryear we do the same thing, but with technologies, that comes with having an online business. You buy ads, blog about it, tell your friends and family about your website. Finally, you, promote your online business by posting it on social media.
You do what you can to make sure your business stands out from the rest.
So, does it work? Yes!
Introduction Of The Guys In Charge
Okay, so these guys are the brains of Wealthy Affiliate.
If you haven’t found a company that cares more for your business then here is one that truly does. You have to understand that this here, is also a business, nothing comes for free. However, they do offer you seven days to try it out to see if you want to go with them.
While learning how to create your website you also will be making in wealthy affiliate (WA) friends and family online. We are here to help. Always ask if you do not understand. Please.
Once you signed up and go premium your first month is only, roughly $20. Then it’ll be roughly $50 a month. You can save more by going annually as well.

We did some changes and realized that no one really needs 50 websites so we changed a few things around. For better actually. As you can see what we had as a starter and premium from the above chart.
Starter Membership: Formally 2 Websites => Now 1 Website
Premium Membership: Formally 25 Own Domains / 25 Free Websites => Now 10 Websites (ANY TYPE)
Here are some comparisons:
Pagely (5 Websites) = $199 per month
WPEngine (10 Websites) = $115 per month
Kinsta (10 Websites) = $200 per month
Wealthy Affiliate (10 Websites) = $49 per month! (included with Premium)
We still have the same great 10 courses for starters. These are the courses you can take to get an understanding of what we have. We make sure you understand the process and effort you will be putting into your business, today and onward.
Once, you finished these courses you can then make up your mind if this type of business is right for you, if not, then you just got yourself some great information on how to be an internet marketer. See win, win situation. It would be awesome if you could continue and join today.
I know, life happens and you should prioritize what’s important first. Please take all the information you’ve learned to the next level in your life. When you’re ready we will be here for you.
These lessons are the first step to helping you successfully understand how the whole process works.
They also have 6 months program for those who want to stay a little while to get the hang of things. Might as well stay for the year. It’s cheaper. As you can see from the image below. Great courses for a week. Have a website to practice on. Oh, BTW, once you buy hosting at WA you can move it to a domain within WA.
As you can see you can go, 6 months at a time. This gives you more time to see if this is really for you. Make sure that you really want to go with this program before you make that yearly commitment.
Before, you take any options besides the free option, make sure you do more research than just reading my review. This isn’t for everyone and it is not something that will make you money soon. It will not!!
Note: And if your subdomain already exists you may need to change it or add a few extra characters to make it different. I need to make sure you understand that. For example. I had a siterubix called Zengarden but it already exists and I renamed it Zbestgarden.com.
My solution and conclusion
As you can see staring your online business is not as easy as you might think. However, having the right guidance, mentor, step by step videos, and education, does. If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to ask me.
I took some time off from my gardening blog to answer the question, “What is, wealthy affiliate about and the does it work?” Now you know what wealthy affiliate is and Yes, it does work. Follow the training prepare to put in some ads, email list, promote, promote, promote, blog 3 times a week, do reviews, and stay within your niche.
And yes WA has its own web hosting as well.
Sit back and relax. Not so fast as an internet marketer you can never relax, however, you can hire writers to lessen the burden. Only when you are making a profit.
Running a business in any way, you can’t do it alone. Having said that, again, make sure you’re making a profit before you start outsourcing.
Comment below with any questions you may have and I will gladly find an answer for you. Until then please do more research and I will be waiting for you on the other side. Have a great productive day, night, wherever you are.
Thank you for reading my review. I appreciated your time as yours are as valuable as mine. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to do so.
This is based on where I reside and my own experiences. I have affiliate links please be aware that every time you click a link I get a small commission. This commission is used to pay for my website. Thank you in advance to those that helped me out. Please read my full affiliate disclosure page and it is also on my footer, thank you.
If you’re interested in a blog like mine, please visit me at my Wealthy Affiliate profile for more info.