Let’s Begin On How To Attract Pollinators To Your Garden
Today, I’ll be talking about how to attract pollinators to your garden. We all know that it is important to have pollinators in your vegetable garden, your ornamental garden, your herbs garden, and your fruit trees.
Some fruit trees may not need pollinators. I have a Meyer lemon tree, Malaysian pink guava, blood orange, and kaffir lime that doesn’t require pollinators, however, they do have beautiful blooms to attract bees. That’s what I like to see.
Join A Garden Group In Your Area
The best way to learn is to join a FB group or page that grows in your neighborhood or zone. If there’s is a community garden in your town go see what they are planting and join them for knowledge. Inflation is high we need to start growing our own food.
Together you can make an impact on the community and your own backyard to attract some bees maybe even learn how to keep your own beehives.
Grow Native Herbs And Flowers
Try growing native herbs and flowers in containers. That way you can move them around the area that you’ll like to attract some pollinators. We know butterflies love flowers so do other beneficial insects and hummingbirds.
You can even have hanging baskets or even window boxes full of native flowers they will come. How wonderful it is to see butterflies visiting your flowers?
Hydration Is Essential
Put out a birdbath in your garden for thirsty beneficial insects. Like all things in the world, we all need to be hydrated too. This is a perfect spot for pollinators to stop for a drink. A great oasis for your pollinators. They will thank you when your garden is green and full of edible goods.
Build An Pollinator Motel
If you make a pollinator motel for them to hide out in the sun, wind, or cold they’re most likely to stay longer or even permanently in your yard. It’s perfect for bees, ladybirds, and lacewings great for getting rid of aphids.
Planning Your Landscape
Whenever you plan a new area for your landscape incorporate colorful native plants that pollinators love. In the desert, southwest lantana has a variety of colors to choose from. It has yellow, red, multi-red blends, white, purple, and muti pink called fruit loops.
Vinca has red, white, and pink plants that will survive in our heat. Plant some prickly pears that bloom in the spring and attract more bees and other pollinators.
Your Lawn Is Pollinators Best Friend
Depending on where you live and if you have an HOA. Mow your lawn less often and let those dandelions grow. That will help the pollinators a lot. By doing so you will have food for the bees to feed on. Dandelions and other weeds that have flowers are the first to sprout and the first to feed the honey bees in the springs.
If you keep your lawn in perfect condition there’s no food for the bees to eat or take its nectars. I’m guilty of that but I have an untouched backyard where I let most of them grow.
The reason being is that dandelions and other weeds that I let grow are also medicinal plants and I grow mostly medicinal and edible plants in my backyard.
Colors Colors Colors
Who doesn’t like colors? Plant violet, white, blue, purple, and yellow to attract pollinators! Every garden should have a wildflowers section in their garden. Wildflowers attract many pollinators to your garden. It’s a perfect place to mount your bug hotel in the middle of that wildflowers area.
Plant flowers in groups to help the pollinators walk across the flowers and help rest their little wings. Also, mix and match the colors and plant them at the same height as possible.
Avoid Pesticides
It is best to have an organic garden that won’t kill off any beneficial pollinators. We all hate aphids and we don’t like them eating our vegetables. By using pesticides to kill off aphids you also kill beneficial bugs like ladybugs, butterflies, and bees.
Best not to use any harsh chemicals. Use mild detergent and water in a spray bottle and spray them off or use your fingers to wipe them off. You can spray them down with a strong current of water to knock them off.
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I have a custard apple tree and it’s not bearing fruits even though flowering. I’ll try some of your tips given here. Thank you!
Hi Sharon, I hope some of my tips work for you. Have you tried hand pollinating the flowers? I don’t have a custard apple tree but I heard people hand pollinate them. Here’s a trick someone showed me and it worked for her papaya tree to bear fruit, use melon, watermelon crust, or old fruit to attract other pollinators, and add nitrogen to the soil. You will have plenty of fruit next season. Thanks for coming by.