So we are in the middle of summer and the sun is beating down hard on us in the southwest desert while monsoon is ready to strike us anytime any moment without notice. And you have an idea you want to start a vegetable garden in the middle of this war. Let’s see if you are up for a late summer vegetable garden challenge.
Pros and Cons of Mr. Monsoon
Ladies, gentlemen, boys, and girls of all ages you are all welcome to this challenge. Get your trowel, shovel, garden hoe, and hose ready for this fun in the sun summer party. We’re gonna call it operation defeat monsoon. As you all already know that we were hit by monsoon not too long ago.
There are pro and cons when Mr. Monsoon visits. He might bring us rain which its great for our vegetable, especially during the hot summer. Mr. Monsoon can bring us some winds which it helps the vegetable be fertile and help move the pollen around so the vegetables can produce more for us to consume.
The bad part is when Mr. Monsoon comes in with too much rain it drowns our vegetables and herbs. They will get root rot because it is too much water. When he breathes too hard and the wind he produces can uproot the vegetables. With that dust accompany him and we can’t see.
Let’s Start A Late Summer Vegetable Garden
Whatever you have from container gardening, raised beds, or ground gardening one thing is for sure we want a good harvest that’s the reason why we plant stuff. Vegetables we know that it is not GMO (genetically modified organism) but organic foods. And you know that when purchasing organic food at the grocery store is expensive.
Here is where to get some organic seeds. Keep it away from a strong gust of winds. So, you want to know where to start.
Pick an area that is not prone to high winds during this monsoon season a place that well drained and has plenty of sunlight. Also, be sure to have some kind of cover to protect the new growth or saplings.
Should You Transplant
At this time transplanting may be too much for them (the vegetables) and the heat at night isn’t cool enough to help them recover. It is best to seed indoor first. Just because the nursery has them it doesn’t mean that it’s a good time to transplant anything at this time.
There is a difference between transplanting and planting. Transplanting is when you buy some saplings and you want to transplant it from its little container into a bigger container or into the earth. Vegetables are usually transplanted. Tomato plants are an example of transplanting because you want to it to thrive and bear fruits so you transplanted into the earth.
Planting is when the plant you are buying is already balled and ready to go into the earth from the nursery. The plant is already well-established or the plant is in its dormant state. For example, if you’re buying a full size rose bush from the nursery and you want it in front of your yard, you are planting a rose bush not transplanting. This is great for ornamental gardening of flowers and bushes, xeriscaping so to speak.
Vegetables You Can Plant Right Now
Right now you can plant corn. Corn is great to plant they mature from 60 to 100 days. Harvest corn when the ears are dark green the silk is brown. You can also do what my mom does when the corn is dark green and the silk is a little brown is to peel the top of the ear to look for plump kernels and when squeezed the liquid should be milky and not clear.
Last week I wrote about pumpkins and squash. You can start that and get jack-o-lantern by October. Or just make pumpkin pies whatever you fancy. Pumpkin soup by itself no salt no pepper adds sugar to taste for a cold drink.
Grow climbing beans next to your corn they can help each other.
I love mustard green so I started seeding mustard greens. Kale is great for this time as well. My collard trees are doing okay for the most part.
Don’t forget peppers from jalapenos, cilantro, and leeks or scallions. Leeks take longer to mature but its worth it. This is all from my own experience.
There you go, people, I hope that this gives you an idea of where you want your garden to be. What to seed and harvest in the following months. Transplanting and planting with the care of any plants. Soon Mr. Monsoon with being gone and your garden will be happy. You can reap the rewards later.
So get going and start your late summer vegetable garden today. I hope this help sort some ideas out there in the desert southwest.
Got questions and ideas or even some things you know please leave them in my comment section and I’ll be sure to read or answer any questions you may have. Have a great day!
Hi Kelyee,
I read your post just in time. I thought my little summer vegetable garden was going to be a disaster, but you have given me some reassurance. I don’t know if I planted my tomatoes late, but for 3 weeks now, I am only seeing blossoms. No fruit yet. On the other hand, my herbs and peppers are doing well. I love kale and mustard greens, but I don’t know why I didn’t plant them before. Thanks for the suggestion. I will definitely get going with these greens. How long does it take to reap them? Will update you on my progress.
Hi Carol,
I am glad that my article helped you out. It’s summer and it’s too hot for tomatoes to bear fruit. You can try shaking it a couple times a week to see if it will pollinate itself. Or read up on how to https://zbestgarden.com/hand-pollinating-fruit-trees
Peppers love heat and they will thrive. Cole crops mature around 60 to 80 days. I will update on my garden in the fall. Thanks for dropping by! Have a great day!
Hi Kelyee. Thank you for sharing your article with us. All the information that you have written is a great help to me. I need to share this with some friends.
Thank you Hemant please do and thank you for visiting.
Thank you for such an informative article. My mother does a lot of planting. At first, when I would see these gorgeous, lush flowers in her garden, I’d wonder how she had such magic touch! But she plants. LOL.
I’d love to be able to plant kale and mustard greens!
Hello Shalisha,
Thanks for visiting.
What great information! I didn’t think you should be planting anything this time of year. That was only a spring time thing. I remember when I was younger planting the bulbs in the garden with my aunt and I always got stuck picking out all the weeds because she hated it! Lol.
Thanks again 🙂
Hi Sabrina,
LOL that’s cute. Depending on where you live I guess when to plant or not. Here in the desert southwest, we don’t have your regular seasons like spring, summer, fall, and winter we just have warm and hot lol. Look up your zone they should give you an idea when to seed or plant.
Thanks for coming. 😀
Great article! My family like to grow plants and vegetables so I will show them this post! Love the imagery and layout. Keep up the good work!
Thank you, Philip, for visiting and showing my site to your family. I appreciate it.
Hi Kelyee,
I just wanted to leave you a quick not to say some great info here.
I agree with you, this is not the best time to transplant any small plants. A couple of days ago, I transplanted a few plants and found out that they are all getting burned and dead. It is too hot. We have 104 ‘F outside here.
Anyways, thanks for sharing these tips!
Hi Maun,
Yes, that’s true this heat will try to kill the little weak vegetables. And wait until it is cooler to transplant or plant anything. The well-established plants will survive if taken care of.
Thanks for coming.