Today, I want to share some ideas with you to have a self-sustainable vegetable garden for years to come? Who doesn’t want a forever garden?
I know I do. Self-sustaining vegetables are an excellent way to have vegetables growing when it’s time for them to come up on their own.
Welcome back to zbestgarden another exciting and wonderful day in the desert southwest.
In this post, I’ll be going over some vegetables, herbs, and flowers that are likely to reseed themselves.
Some will even stay dormant under heat or snow then sprout when the coast is clear. Mother-nature’s kids are so smart! Let’s get started.
Let’s take a closer look at mustard greens and collard greens. These are very healthy greens to eat. They are wonderful vegetables to grow in your garden.
They will grow wonderful broad leaves. After harvesting their leaves for consumption. You can even pull it right from the roots to have a full bunch of greens or save some.
Save some plants to bolt, to flower in seeds. One plant is good enough. With one plant seeds are plentiful.
Lettuces are the same along with kale and broccoli. They will grow until flowered and seed. Almost any vegetables that flower will have seeds.
Many have wondered what herbs will reseed themselves? Coriander (cilantro), basil, mint, rosemary, sage, stinging nettles, and henbit. These herbs are excellent at regrowing back. Same as the vegetables above. Let it be, they do best if left alone to regrow.
Hmong people considered red, and green malabar spinach as herbs they reseed themselves as well. They grow back every year and I have plenty of them.
Your garden will be full of herbs for next season. Time for a herb healing garden to relax and unplug. I can smell the Rosemary already!
Fruiting plants
Fruiting plants are tomatoes, chili peppers, and passion fruit vines. There’s more however, these are the ones I planted in my garden and I see it doing so every season.
Tomatoes are like weeds and if you let a tomato drop it will grow from where it dropped. They are plants that grow whenever they feel like growing. You can never stop a tomato from sprouting if one tomato decides to go rogue you have a field of tomato plants.
You can control it by transplanting it elsewhere. My experience is if tomatoes are grown in one place for too long they get diseased and stump. For them to thrive you must transplant them to another area.
The good news is you don’t need to buy any more seeds. Just transplant the sprouts. Transplant it to some different corners of the garden it’ll do great. Plus tomatoes can be grown from stems or suckers.
The experience I had was the volunteers seemed to taste better than the ones I seeded anyway. Does anyone experience the same thing? Or is it just me…
Chili peppers are a little different. They can grow quickly and flowered quickly as well.
(Quick tip!!) top off the pepper plants.
This allows them to grow wider and it’ll concentrate on a bigger stem. Pinch off flowers as they grow will stop them from premature fruiting. Stop pinching the flowers when you feel like it’s good enough that it can produce chili peppers.
Just do it once. Keep topping the new plants.
Usually when the plant’s stem is big and the leaves are green. That’s a good indicator. Didn’t know you can control the fruit growing didn’t you? 😀
Passionfruit vines, once it is established will last a long time. I don’t think you need to worry about it reseeding itself. You just need to maintain its vines from growing out of control.
However, it is also a reseeding self-sustaining fruit vine. A fruit will fall get eaten by animals, stepped on, or forgotten. It will reseed.
Marigolds are great re-seeders. They are also very good at deterring aphids from your vegetables. Poppy flowers are so beautiful when bloomed. A must-have. Zinnia, amaranths, and salvia.
I love flower surprises. I also love it when you’re not expecting a flower garden and youth get one out of the blue. Now you have a sanctuary for a little while. Plants seasonal flowers you may end up with a beautiful cultivating garden!
This idea is great if you have a great deal of land that is only for vegetable gardening.
An area where you want to keep as is. A backyard dedicated to food gardening.
I have a couple of areas including my raised bed garden at 3 ft tall. My back hurts a lot from bending. So I needa couple of 3 ft or 4 ft tall raised garden beds.
The seeds will fall from the mother plant. It will be forgotten, it’s a good thing, because by the time you know it you have seedlings all over.
Mother nature likes to play tricks on us. It’s fine most of the time is all good. She takes care of us when we forget to.
The seeds will get stepped on and be planted accidentally or carried by the wind, and bird or animal droppings, viola new seedlings. Whatever is growing and you didn’t plant it, just let it grow bigger to see if something you recognize.
Seedlings that are not usable pluck ’em you have to weed anyway. XD
There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Self-sustaining vegetables for the years to come. You’ll never have to buy seeds ever again. That’s one way of saving money. I hope this helps you out.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to comment and I’ll get to you. Let’s learn together. Let’s have fun.
Take care. Go take on the day, challenge the unknown. It’s good for you.