Starting An Organic garden from Scratch

Heartbroken Garden

As you all know my garden was heartbroken and passed away while we were on a vacation in Europe for three weeks. So we are starting from scratch.

(It died because our circuit breaker broke on the sprinkler controller.)

This is during the hot heat season in Yuma. Yes, rest in peace. Lol, even all my herbs (tshuaj ntsuab) my lemongrass is coming back again thank goodness because according to my mom “these are ghuud lemongrass because is Hmong lemongrass, not the one you go buy at store okay!” Okay, mom. Mom is always right!

Because Fall is just around the corner the nursery still doesn’t have a lot of plants. But they still have some leftover herbs that needed some TLC and were 90% off.

So we grabbed three of them. Herbs

Cilantro, rosemary, and mojito mint… just for looks. ? Plus some organic soil to prep the raised garden. I love to start with seed my garden from scratch and watch them grow from seeds but it was on sale and they look so sad. I couldn’t help it. And the other thing is, it’s ready to pick and eat or use. Either way, it’s a win-win situation. The herbs get their home and I get to enjoy them, in my tummy.

We want to start seeding the carrots, leeks, beans, and muster greens. (Must have my muster greens) they are so good at making pork soup with lemongrass, yum!

We started Sunday morning. People, please be careful because our fall is still hot please make sure you are hydrated and have protection.

  • Sunglass
  • Sunscreen
  • Hat
  • Long sleeve shirts
  • Pants
  • And shoes

Helmets, elbow pads, knee pads, and a gas mask. No? Fine. I was just kidding anyway!

We started but didn’t finish I was too hot. As you guys can see in the picture we were in a shaded place and it was only 10 AM. One hour and we are done. We were drenched with sweat from head to toe. Lots of water guys. Hydration, hydration, hydration.

Raised garden

My poor husband wanted the Sunday off. He didn’t get it. I can’t seem to want to stay put so I have to do something. So, of course, I am accident prone so he had to supervise me. Oh, what is this greenhouse-looking thing? That’s um…

Oh yeah, we bought a rabbit ranch that we are converting into some chicks resort. It’s going to be our fertilizers… um… not them their black matter (poop.) And hopefully, some eggs too! Other amazing things to have chickens are that they can eat the bugs and creepy crawly that I don’t want to touch. Pest controllers.

Organic fertilizers from animal extractions guys get professional help with that. If you have never used it use store-bought organic fertilizers are the safest thing to use. You can use your vegetable scraps when cooking or be mowing the lawn, and leaves.  As you can see I got carried away just yapping please come back for the second half of starting an organic garden from scratch until then you can head over to my where to begin page. Have fun!

My two cents on the catastrophes

With all the catastrophes that the world is facing right now. The 8.1 earthquakes in Mexico, Hurricane Harvey, and Hurricane Irma. For the people facing this horrendous turmoil, we pray for your safety and well-being. Amen.

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