Last week I urge you guys and gals to start your seeding for the summer, June through October vegetables. Now that you’ve done so it’s time to keep up with the housekeeping. My gardening tips for Yuma, AZ zone 10 and 10A. I’m sure there are professionals out there that knows best however, I’m just a backyard gardener.
We’ll cover container gardening, garden on wheels…
Backyard gardening, what to do…
Planting plants together for shade support…
What to use to protect your plants…
Last but not least, do not forget to water your plants…
Okay, so here we go.
Tip # 1
You’ve decided that your place is too small and you used containers as your garden. You have done your work and hopefully, you put them (containers) on planter trolleys.
This is the best part about having a garden on wheels. You can move them around without much work. You can move it to a shaded area, a cooler side, or roll them out for a couple of hours of sunshine. That’s not too much work when you’re passionate about your garden.
However, I love my garden but I not willing to go get burn or get heat-related injuries. Oh, don’t forget sunscreens!
Tip # 2
Oh, people with a background let’s see what we can do, shall we? Having a background vegetable garden is a lot more work than container gardening. Even with a nice garden with flowers and exotic flowers or plants, either way, we have to protect them.
Tip # 3
Plant sun hardy plants, shrubs and brushes together, as the heat from the sun ray strikes with its hot beam some hardier plants well help defend the weaker shrubs.
For example:
Lemongrass is heat tolerant and it can withstand any sunrays because it (lemongrass) loves the sun. It will totally not be damaged, as long as the lemongrass gets regular watering, every other day. Mind you that the lemongrass is already established.
Aloe is another great choice to plant as a heat defender. What’s great about aloe is that its medicinal properties are great for sunburns. (Some people are allergic to aloe.) Plant one of these and soon it will have plenty of shoot or offsets and aloe babies call pups, you can transplant in another area.
Sunflowers are awesome, not only it loves the heat but it is also a gorgeous addition to your garden whether it’s a vegetable garden or a beautiful garden. You’ll have plenty of seeds to plant and roast for your entire family to enjoy.
Since these are big, tall, and beautiful keep them in the back. When they grow they will act as a border and shorter plants will be in front of the sunflowers.
Sansevieria cylindrica or African spears. These tall round slender stalks are very pointy so be careful when planting them around young children.
They are exotic plants and also a semi-heat tolerant which can be planted after some strong heat-loving plants. I thought it could tolerate the Yuma’s sunray, unfortunately, its pigmentation started to fade and the top started to dry up. So, do not use it as border plants unless it’s shaded. Big mistake on my part.
As you can see that I have planted mind under my moringa trees and it’s shaded by them. I also have a pomegranate bush, probably a tree volunteer as well. Pomegranate is also great in Yuma as well. Of course, pomegranate is fruit trees so make sure not to crowd them.
Speaking of exotic plants, moringa oleifera is an excellent heat and water-tolerant tree/bush. Read about my moringa trees here. They are an excellent food source and beautiful green foliage for the summer. One of mother nature’s mega/super food.
My husband and I chopped our moringa trees down to convert them into bushes. You can’t kill moringa trees once, it is established and producing pods.
Mother-in-law’s tongue or snake plant is great to have. Semi heat and water-tolerant great to plant outside or inside. They make a great indoor plant as well.
This Sansevieria trifasciata grow with rhizome so if you have them in your garden make sure to thin them out if you don’t want them invading other spaces. In pots thin them out and transplant them into another pot and give them out as gifts, excellent! 😀
Don’t forget the purple addition to any green foliage. They are heat and water tolerant and it goes well with any arrangements. You have your borders of greens, yellows, and then add a splash of purple/violet what have ya into the mix.
Don’t forget about the roses of many colors they are so beautiful when bloom. Roses regrow every six weeks so you’ll have plenty of colors to look forward to. Some red-orange, deep reds, yellows, and white ones. What a beautiful garden just thinking about it.
Tip # 4
Protect your vegetables garden with sail shade. Sail shade is a must have when you’re gardening in Yuma. My first year in this city, I killed all my vegetables and Hmong herbs because I was ignorant about the summer here in Yuma. At the end of summer, I had a funeral, had to bury them and start over. ;(
Took me four years to get it right, not perfect but right. Be sure to cover them to protect it from mother nature’s wrath, must be that time of the year… no, I think so! \●/ >.> … <.< just a little humor.
Here is a video to help anyone who needs help or supplies by putting up a sun sail shade.
Tip # 5
Water is very important when the dry heat is upon us. Our monsoon is upon us as well however, we’ll be lucky if we get rain. All we get is a little moisture, hurricane, and dust blowing at 25 mph up to 40 mph gusts.
Don’t forget to use an irrigation system for your garden, whether it’s container garden or backyard gardening. It will make your life easier and more enjoyable. I use one all the time.
Who doesn’t want a peace of mind when your vegetables watered itself. You have too many bills and family to look after.
However, if joy and happiness are being outside in your garden then you want to keep it going like a forever garden, yep just read up on it.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls we have discovered that Yuma is an awful hot place therefore, we must gather together against mother nature’s wrath during this time of arid weather.
For we have learned that if we do not keep our vegetables and herbs happy they will wilt and die. To do that we must follow all the necessary steps and tips to prevent a catastrophe from happening. For the sake of your plant lives please follow my gardening tips for Yuma, AZ, zone 10 and 10A.
Alright, I’ll leave it here and please garden responsibly. No plants leave behind. XD Thank you for coming. Any comments, ideas, questions, and tips please educate me. Until next time.
Hi Kelyee,
This is a great post and I’m sure will be of help to many people.
Living somewhere with that heat and you definitely have to do all the tips you mention.
A lot of plants are hardy, but that doesn’t mean they’re indestructible.
Using other plants as sunblockers is a great tip.
You obviously keep learning all the time when working in the garden and it’s good you’re sharing your knowledge to help others.
I work as a gardener and I am still learning new things constantly too.
There is so much to learn, but it’s fun to do so.
Thanks for this post, I really enjoyed reading it and will be back to your site in the future to read more.
Best wishes,
Thank you Micheal for stopping by. Yes, practice, practice, and experiments. You are absolutely correct we just need to be more diligent when planting. Believe me I’ve killed more plants than I planted LOL.
I hope I’m at least helping someone out. Yes, I’m learning something everytime I kill some vegetables or plant hehe. We can’t learn if we don’t make mistakes. Thanks again for your comment! Have a great day!
I love the idea of gardening but unfortunately, I live in a high rise building with no garden of my own. Is there indoor plants / vegetables / herbs that you can recommend? I will re-visit your site for more gardening tips.
Hi Yvonne thanks for coming again. Please check out this post.
And if you have a balcony or bay window you might want to check my post about contain gardening.
Thanks again for visiting. 😀
Being a gardener myself I find your site is very informative. I love visiting and learning from gardeners in different areas than my own. I am in zone 7a, in Sunny NC. I do not have the hot zone 10 consistent weather conditions but we get a pretty hot long summer here. Your tips are very useful for me as well. The sun sails are a great idea. I notice some of my more sensitive plants are faltering early this year to the rapid onset of high heat. The quick weather change this year harmed my Cole crops. Do you think sun sail would extend the length of time you could get from this early season crops like that in other zones like mine? Thank you for the tips.
Hello Christina,
Thanks for dropping by. I love hearing from a fellow gardener. I believe that your cole crops will do really well if they are protected. My cole crops does great in our severe heat as long as my sun sail is doing its job.
Other zones will benefit greatly from protection and extend harvesting green vegetables. My collard trees was thriving until my drip system’s battery went out. Not too worry they are bouncing back.
Thanks again for visiting.
Great post, Kelyee! As a newbie gardener in Yuma, this advice is gold. I had no idea about using plants as natural sunblockers, and the tip about sail shade is a lifesaver. Your trial and error journey is inspiring, and it shows the passion and dedication you have for gardening. I’m off to get some lemongrass and sunflowers for my garden. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences, and I’ll be following for more tips! Keep up the awesome work. 🌱🌼
Thank you for the kind words. Well, welcome to being a gardener! I’m so excited that we can get another person to become a plant person on board. Yes, please keep us posted on your lemongrass and sunflower gardening.
And a big “Welcome and thank you.” for visiting us.